The Birds Weigh In On Halloween

October 24, 2016

With the promotion of The Operator in full swing and the news that the series is sitting in Sony’s hands for possible television presentation, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to nod at the producer known for his mastery of suspense. Do you know which one I mean?


This is what happens when the birds come to weigh in and give their thoughts on Halloween.

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Well, the games are underway. I am posting clues every Friday for someone to win the hardback, autographed copy of The Witch with No Name. In addition, the Sudoku clues to win additional prizes (including The Drafter and The Operator) are posted on Friday and Monday. If you are new to the website go to the How to Play page for details.

Sudoku puzzle answers for Monday.


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The rest of the page is my log of writing progress. You can read on if you like, but the information for the game is all above. I started the handwritten work of the sub-plot I mentioned before. However, it very well may turn into scaffolding for the next manuscript as well. It felt good to be handwriting again. It is a different experience and the creative vibe of new ideas merging with the ones I already had recorded drove me past the word count I had set for the night. My time is being squeezed tighter and tighter so I’m letting the extra carry over for days when I have to focus on other tasks. My goal is first to get down the recorded data then re-evaluate, from their I will set a word count goal for the subplot to be rough draft complete and decide about its bearing on the next manuscript.