What Do Musicians, Monarchs, And Manuscripts Have In Common?

June 30 – July 1, 2016

The answer is inside; there is no sound, but vibration trembles her head as she rolls in on herself, shaking with the effort. Swelling presses her temples with every throb and push till . . . rupture frees the inevitable and the change is irreversible.

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Click for the answer.

I could wait and show the Monarch butterfly only as she escapes the chrysalis, but it is difficult to appreciate that beauty without understanding the struggle to get there.  I have no control over nature, so I was pleasantly surprised when Piglet went into chrysalis today. The timeliness of it seems as serendipitous as my fall into the rabbit hole of writing.

So, what do Musicians, Monarchs, and Manuscripts have in common? Besides being much like the carbonation process of soda where the chemistry only works under pressure, the good ones change and grow.

I promised the start of the game in the hunt for The Operator. So, here it is—the first puzzle. Click on the blue tab to learn more about the prizes and how to play. You can also find the puzzles at the website under the Games and Prizes menu and on the calendar at the website if you click it to show the week events (may be handy if you need to find one you miss).

Gamers, and Writers, and Winners—Oh My

Sudoku Puzzle # 1


This is my first time doing a project like this. I’m excited to promote an author I enjoy. I want to do it well and continue to make progress with my own work. If you have experience and see where I could improve please don’t hesitate to drop me a line in the comments.