For Superhero: The Strong Bonds Of Doves

July 29, – Aug 1, 2016


I have a project which is going to have me away for awhile. Superhero and I were discussing it with a friend recently and several topics came up in the conversation. I didn’t know, until music came up, how much Superhero enjoyed the song “His Eye Is On the Sparrow.” When you find out something new about someone you love, to me, it feels like new growth on a strong tree.

I sing and act crazy . . . eh, most of the time, not because I sing well, but I do crazy pretty good. Anyway, I wanted to do something special for Superhero because I will be away and will miss being home. Advance warning: I am not a trained vocalist, but then again, when you’re willing to just be you, for them, maybe that matters more.

This is a pair of doves nesting in our yard. They enjoy our chairs as much as we do. I like their intelligence, their strong bonds to each other, and enjoy their company.

It’s been a busy week. I have ten chapters left in my copy edit and anticipate making my deadline. I made new friends with Project-N and connected with colleagues up north. Overall, things are falling into place, but a few things need some work. My social media exposure is comfortable for me while I continue to write, but I recognize my limited visibility gives less support for authors I enjoy and promote. I think it is the appropriate balance for now, but I continue to monitor for ways to improve.

Here is Sudoku puzzle # 4 if you want the answers. You can also find the next clue for the signed copy of The Witch With No Name on the Riddle Writer page.

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