Before It Was Cool

July 18 – July 24, 2016

This was my shower curtain before Big Bang Theory made it cool. I just ordered a new one (ask Superhero about that–grin). It came this week. More expensive than my earlier one, and although it was bought many years ago, I wondered about the difference in price. So, why more expensive now? Inflation? Supply and demand? Mendeleev’s ghost is russian around collecting royalties on all the elements he predicted? (laugh) Maybe it’s popularity? Science is becoming cool; that’s exciting for those of us who have always found it so. Atomic chemistry is foundational to science and I love that writing gives me an opportunity to explore that with artistic creativity.


I’m on schedule with the copy edit; sixteen of thirty-one chapters complete. I started with the last two chapters which worked out well, again. The next chapter is a bit longer than some of the others and may take more time, which is worrisome as I get close to a deadline I set for myself because of other projects. I’m still learning, but this manuscript is stronger than my first and that feels like success. You really do just have to keep doing it, writing that is, to get better at it. Classes, reading, lectures are great and helpful, but there is no substitute for on the job training.

On a different note, one of the Monarch butterflies came by to visit. I have a few seconds of video, not much, but I posted a picture below. I noticed him on the Lantana and thought “it’s Broke&Proud.” I watched him for a long time before I decided to take the video. I know it’s crazy to think I could identify a butterfly, out of three, I released and I certainly can’t prove it, but I felt certain it was him. I remember noticing his broken antenna when he was a caterpillar. It may not have been him, but in my heart it was good to see him visit home. After the video, he stayed around the garden and I typed a little longer as I watched him.


I’m pretty sure (laughing at myself) I’m the only one doing the Sudoku puzzles, which is okay with me except the purpose was to do it to promote an author who challenged me to write. So, I may need to modify my approach to help. As a new writer I don’t have readers . . . let me think. I’ll come up with something.

🙂 Here are the answers to puzzle 4 in case things change.

2016-07-25 00.19.26