W438820531N344—Can You Unscramble The Code?

November 25, 2016

Can you unscramble the code? I give you a clue below.


If you like your characters strong and vulnerable, your pace fast, and your relationships real you may want to order The Operator in hardback because you will read this one more than once. And, if you think you have the skill to unscramble the Sudoku puzzles you could win a copy here!


Click here to find their original order and put the letters and numbers in that order to find the Operator.

If you missed the first contest you still have a chance to win in the contest this week. If you couldn’t quite leave the Hollows or felt Kim’s new series was not your style, give this second book a chance. You can sense Kim’s writing settle into a place that feels like home. And, here is your chance to take it home free! See how to play below.

I received an advanced copy of “The Operator” scheduled for release this month, November 2016. You Do Not want to miss this Kim Harrison book. Similar to her skill with series past, each book reveals new depth – making the book before more real and meaningful. Kim is an artist who paints with equal broad and detailed strokes, hiding just enough to make you want more. In this second book Peri struggles with addiction, but she starts to find her motley crew of friends.

Kim is skilled at putting together a cast of characters readers come back to time and time again. This series is no different. Chapter one starts with power; the struggle and cost of it may be too high a price to pay for a character afraid to trust again. But, don’t take my word alone, this is what a few readers have said after just reading chapter one.

“Great use of descriptive language! Will look forward to reading more soon!” —Goodread’s reader
“Love, love, love! Can’t wait to read this whole book.”  —Goodread’s reader
“her dress and attitude parted the way…” great line, love it!!  —Goodread’s reader
Now is your chance to win a free copy of The Operator. There are 14 total. Unscramble the letters and numbers to find The Operator. Why? Because Peri’s job stole her mind; her memories, her happiness, her hurts—all twisted and manipulated by whoever anchored her till she took back control.  Now a new threat looms, but even those who want to help her have to find her first. Each day this week is a new opportunity to submit your code to find her and win.

How to Play:

  1. Go to Goodreads – read the first chapter, then give Kim a shout out to wish her a Happy Book Birthday or just let her know you’re there in the comments.
  2. Send me an email at AlexisTDH@outlook.com with your Goodreads name and your unscrambled Sudoku code to find the Operator using the letters and the red numbers.
  3. I will enter you to win all three prizes (The Drafter, The Operator, and The Milkweed seeds)

Global opportunity. I will ship International (note their may be restrictions on seeds international).

I hope everyone had a happy holiday. We gave thanks, stuffed our faces, made some crafts to bring some snow down south . . .

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then piled up in the living room for our Thanksgiving movie. It’s been a family tradition for years, but we still laugh and enjoy it anew each year.

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We travel home tomorrow and continue the transition to Christmas. Speaking of that, below is a picture of the poinsettias I saved from before last Christmas. I’m pleased with how they are changing and growing.
