Now We Wait

July 11, 2016

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. A lot happened here—Meditation, as well as, Broke and Proud went into chrysalis. Now we wait.


The picture above includes Piglet, who is closest to the camera, then Broke and Proud who decided to settle between Piglet and Meditation, there on the end, farthest from the camera. Oh, I also worked on my practice box a little this weekend.


Some very special things are growing, like my poinsettias in the front of each box. It is my first time saving poinsettias through the off season. I took extra time when I planted, pruned, and pinched them in the spring. They responded with elaborate growth. My new project is around the box, but I’m taking my time on this small section first to really get it right before I decide how to complete the whole area. I’m pleased with it so far, though it is obvious all the places that need work.

Similarly, I’m working on my website to find the best way to present information. My google analytics tells me I’m reading it (laugh). I’ve actually been pleased with how easy it is to post information to get good practice with your craft and really be able to use it as practice. I think my promotion efforts for authors will be more productive with my word of mouth work for a while, but you have to start somewhere.

I think I’m going to put the Sudoku puzzle up only on the puzzle page, so I can link anyone interested in the puzzles directly to that page at Facebook since I’m not posting on Fridays. I will post the Sudoku answers both with my post on Mondays and on the Sudoku answer page to keep things organized.

The answers for Sudoku puzzle two below.


Project-N is moving up fast. I’ve been hard at work to prepare for that as well. It gets a little tricky trying to keep everything balanced, but so far a lot of Project-N has created insight for my writing and vice-versa.