Gardenia And My New Glow

August 9 – 15, 2016

I brought a few things with me to Area 81; my Purslane (our Golden Egg gave me my first yellow for mother’s day), a few herbs (Superhero needs them when here:), my Philodendron, and my Gardenia. Gardenia is one of my favorite flowers because they remind me of good relationships; they appear simple, but if you’ve ever tried to cultivate one you know it can be difficult.

Gardenia require time to manage the needs of growth. The effort to balance their pH can leave you exhausted and frustrated, but in the end – when their blooms open and they share their fragrance in your garden – to breathe them is exquisite.

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I’m operating in multiple dimensions. I finished my copy edit and feel good about the approach. On two rewrite efforts I have started with the last two chapters to give them diligent focus before starting at the beginning. The pattern, so far, seems to be one that works for me. I plan to attend a conference in October to meet an editor and discuss possible work with her to move my manuscript to the next level.

My dimensions overlap and create a depth and beauty I’m glowing in right now. Superhero and a long time friend of mine have agreed to be my most honest non-science readers whose goal under “good of the order” is to help me not pull readers from the story with the science.  I’ve made a science friend who agrees to β-read for me and will help me not hide the science too deep.

Project-N has me euphoric. The opportunity of a lifetime is before me. I pause and commit to focus a plan of practice–perfect the work I’m passionate to pioneer. I was built for this.

The answer for Sudoku puzzle 6 is below. I am so grateful for writing and the creativity it challenged me to define.

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